Dallas Township is accepting applications from qualified candidates for the full-time position of Administrative Assistant. The applicant would be responsible for providing high-level administrative support to the Township Manager and all other Township Departments. The position involves extensive public and employee contact representing the Township. The work is normally carried out with limited or no supervision with an emphasis on detail. A high school diploma or equivalent is required and the candidate should have an intermediate level of competency in Word, Excel, Power Point, and QuickBooks and be able to manage virtual meetings.
If interested, please submit a resume by September 12, 2024
to Dallas Township, Attn: Township Manager ,105 Lt. Michael Cleary Drive Dallas, Pa. 18612
or by email at
Dallas Township is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or any other characteristic protected by law.
Aug 20, 2024.
Dallas Township Administration Jobs from Citizens Voice